Thursday, May 24, 2012
Hace tan solo, 20 años...
ALVARADO 1 - Arsenal 2
Alvarado: Francisco Antonio Rago; Hugo Darío Galvarne, Diego Montina (Gustavo Fernández), Esteban Ricardo Solaberrieta y Francisco Carlos Cortadi; César Ortega, Héctor Rubén Porco y José Luis Aguirre (Sergio Antonio Vidal); Hugo Gustavo Subiledt, Dante Esteban Albornoz y Alejandro Luis Débole.
DT: Carlos Horacio Miori.
Arsenal: Urquiza; Raúl Esteban Oyola (Claudio Juan Viscovich), Claudio José Larramendi, Miguel Rodríguez y Marcelo Jorge Bottari; Riveros, José Fernando Rizzo, Jorge Ramón Muñoz y Guzmán; Ricardo Ariel Burakosky (Filgueiras) y Roberto González.
DT: Roberto Iturrieta.
Goles: 23'
Subiledt, 54' Roberto González, 81' Rizzo.
Estadio Gral. San Martín. Público: 25.000 Arbitro: Luis Olivetto.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Time, fate, love / Luca Prodan
A girl called time
took a long long trip
and never never came back.
A boy called fate
made up his mind
and did it when it was too late
But a girl called love
that flew to me
From the air around
She filtered in
Into my skin
She didn't make a sound
and every time I look and see her
I feel her sound
And everytime I look or hear
I feel her presence strong and near
The year was young
And many songswere yet there
To be sung
But I was sad
And lost the opportunities
took a long long trip
and never never came back.
A boy called fate
made up his mind
and did it when it was too late
But a girl called love
that flew to me
From the air around
She filtered in
Into my skin
She didn't make a sound
and every time I look and see her
I feel her sound
And everytime I look or hear
I feel her presence strong and near
The year was young
And many songswere yet there
To be sung
But I was sad
And lost the opportunities
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Caloi / Clemente
Saturday, May 05, 2012
¡Muy mal! / Isaac Asimov
1. Un robot no puede hacer daño, o, por medio de la inacción, permitir que un ser humano sea lesionado.
2. Un robot debe obedecer las órdenes recibidas por los seres humanos excepto si estas órdenes entrasen en conflicto con la Primera Ley.
3. Un robot debe proteger su propia existencia en la medida en que esta protección no sea incompatible con la Primera o la Segunda Ley.